Oh boy what a day.
For me, it started at around 9AM, after a good 3 hours sleep. I got up and got back to work on the game. UltraPitchfork finished his work by noon and I integrated everything and coded what was left. Then I spent a few hours testing with Hopeku and fixing minor bugs. When I was sure everything was perfect, I made a final export (tested it again) and then uploaded it on Newgrounds
Then everything started fucking up. I found the issue thanks to a PM from Makarov73. I won't explain in depth but it turns out the issue was in my document's main class; there was a line of code that interfered with Newgrounds' embed code (from what I understand). Since there was an error in the code that ran initially, everything below that line (the preloader) wouldn't work. I finally re-did the preloader and re-submitted.
Now the medals. The medal API has just been translated to AS3 and hadn't been tested on Newgrounds yet. Turns out there was a little glitch that caused it not to detect the user's log-in status, but, thankfully, Mike sent me a working version of the API and Tom activated the medals for my submission. I'm really really sorry for those of you who beat the game and didn't get the medal!
So anyway, the game is finally up and running. All that matters is that people seem to like it very much. UPF and I spent a lot of time on this project (especially in the last few days...) and we really appreciate the comments we've gotten so far. Special thanks to Mike & Tom for helping me throughout the day!
Ink, le bonhomme yer pas dememe dans l'jeu.
C'est parce que ya reçu une balle pis ya du sang qui gicle