why cat see in dark...?
I enjoy enjoying enjoyable things.
Age 35, Male
Québec, Canada
Joined on 2/14/03
The cat doesn't see in the dark, it's just that nobody else can either, so the cat had no trouble spreading the rumor that it does.
I mean, what am I going to do, see it bump into a wall in the dark?
Cats are like women. Could be aliens but are most likely demons.
they absorb sunlight during day time and use it a little at night time.
because i can use a skill for detected to all my enemys !
nelly furtado
because i can use a skill for detected to all my enemys !
whaire do i vote 5 on your article
dont try to hack me
to see you in the nigth masturbating while thinking in your friends mothers
Don't being sad!.
....Fotolia is a type of cheese, right? Oo;
man is wondering why it snows words
even cats do always need a little bit of light
I can see in the dark too. In fact, I can see a whole lot of DARK.
Whan I pee, I bleed penis-juice!!1
The pupil of a cat gets bigger to let more light in, tinier in bright sunlight. Behind the pupil, a rubbery membrane called the lens focuses the light as it passes through. Continuing on through the eye's inner chamber, the light strikes a screen called the retina. The retina's nerve cells, called rods and cones, send signals to the brain through the optic nerve, and the brain registers an image.
http://www.word-detective.com/how come/catsseeindark.html
Cats must have much more rods than humans in their retinas. Rods are especially desinged to see in the dark.
why cat?!?!?!?!
ju mange de patate aux chocolates
http://images.google.com/images?h l=en&safe=off&rlz=1C1CHMB_en-USCA 292CA307&um=1&q=jazz&sa=N&start=4 2&ndsp=21