
61 Movie Reviews

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Not bad

Quand j'ai vu "Wouhou" j'ai deviné que t'étais québécois

I liked the graphics but I don't think anything in the movie was funny. There is a lot of efforts though and I liked that, so I'm gonna vote 4.


You clearly put a lot of efforts in this and the result is awesome. I liked the character, maybe the fish could have a little more detail, but that's not important.

Sounds were great, well chosen, the action was quick but not hard to follow, the effects were awesome, like when he dived in the water.

I must say I laughed while watching this, mostly at that Fisherman's efforts to get a damn fish when he could just steal one from a store with his guns :P

Anyway good work, now stop reading your reviews and work on Artemis!

Haha! Nice

This headcrab is thinking just like me, unfortunately it seems the combines don't enjoy having stuff thrown at their face... Anyway good flash!

Hey, BTW, can you tell me where the HL2 sounds are? I can't find them anywhere, are they on the cd or something?

Dralnur responds:

No, i'm sorry. I myself have a cracked version of HL2, not the steamversion. One thing you could try is opening up the cd (not running it) and then browse through it. I don't know, they could be there :P Thanks for your review btw!

Good, but unfortunately nothing new

I know this must have taken a very long time to animate, but you can't say it was much different from most Madness movies.

The animation was smooth and the blood effects were nice but some things were weird, like the elves in the end, that stood there without mobing or firing, while Hank was slicing all of their friends.

Also, the camera moved a bit too much. I guess you made it this way so it fits the fast-paced action but with time it get annoying.

I liked the clothes the elves had, something Madness animations don't have usually.

Finally, I think that if you ever make another Madness movie, you should try to add something new, never seen before, like... I don't know, an ally for the hero?

I'm bored

I don't especially enjoy watching lines flying around the screen, even if they are smoothly animated. If you think you have some talent with animating, you should use it to make some decent movie, not a bunch of explosions and simple objects moving around.
The second one, by Aerdail wad not bad, I like seeing these characters more than the lines.
The third movie, by 2RS, was a classic of what I don't like. Shapes transforming into shapes that transforms into shapes... Dude how much times has this been done?
Finally, the last movie, by Ryu_Animation was not bad. It would have been better with color but that's just my opinion.
The music was good.
Allright I said what I thought.

Maxwell-FA responds:

Meh, what can I say, FBF has it's crowd. Thankss for tha review.

Hey, nice job

Even though I couldn't understand a single word I enjoyed this. The music was great and the graphics perfect. Nice job on animating too!

Good job!

Really nice! The sounds are chosen well and the music fits perfectly. The animation is smooth and the fight rocks! Good job again!

unownedJR responds:

hehe, thanks i LOVE mozart he rocks, that song just sounded so right for the scene


Good job dude, animation was smooth and funny, well it rocks


Unless you like flashing lines and fading text, this sucks asses.

Oh, and the sound was really annoying.

I enjoy enjoying enjoyable things.

Age 35, Male


Québec, Canada

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